Import Publications


There is a good chance that citations of your publications are already stored in another software system such as Crossref or PubMed, or in other reference managers or databases. We want to make it as easy as possible to get this information into Activity Insight and reduce the time spent on manual data entry.

We do this in two ways:

Direct Access

Direct access to these contributions dramatically reduces the time it takes to enter your data into the system, while increasing the quality of the data. Click through for instructions on how you can directly import publications from Crossref, ORCID, PubMed, Scopus, or Web of Science.

BibTeX Files

Other reference managers or databases such as EndNote, Google Scholar, Mendeley, RefWorks, Scopus, Web of Science and Zotero enable you to select publications and export them into a BibTeX file. You can then upload your BibTeX file in Activity Insight’s Import Publications screen so you don’t have to rekey those citations. Click through to find details on exporting publication information from a few common software systems into a BibTeX file.

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